Bill is a speaker, trainer, and consultant...

that speaks across the country about increas-ing people’s productivity and profitability.

Bill is also the author of the book Thermo-dynamics of Suc-cess which outlines 6 steps to improve your efficiency to suc-ceed in life. His company is head-quartered in Atlanta.
Bill Kovack’s unique style, powerful message, and ability to teach others consistently earns him rave reviews.

Bill's high-powered way of pre-senting energizes his audience. He is known throughout corpor-ate America for his unique style of delivery and humor!

Attendees will learn new con-cepts and information that will keep them ahead of the changes (and the competition) in today’s dynamic marketplace.
Bill grew up in the Midwest and...

earned his BA in Marketing from the University of Kansas. Early on, Bill enjoyed a successful career in the financial services industry.

Now he speaks to 100+ groups a year - many repeat engagements - including Fortune 500 companies and business associations.

Our Client List
Not only do we strive to make our training fun and exciting, but also we make learning our primary objective because:
  • Real learning begins after you graduate
  • Develop a passion to learn and you'll achieve greatness
  • We help develop a process of continuous self-education
  • People need new knowledge to perform at their best
We convey these principles in all of our programs.
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